Can't believe I haven't blogged in a looooooong time. Let me catch you up - Saw "Cars" and thought it was awesome! Love "Mater". Actually, he reminds me of some of my kin folk back in Arkansas, Mississippi and Alabama. Great anamation.
Went to see "Lake House" with my oldest daughter yesterday. It's okay. For the same kind of plot (writing to someone in a different time period), check out "Love Letters" on DVD. Much better movie! Love Letters is my all time favorite Hallmark Hall of Fame movie. (A GREAT date movie, even if you're staying in!)
Right now, I'm reading "The Postcard" by Beverly Lewis. Good book. My wife has read all the Beverly Lewis books on the Amish, so I'm reading them as well. I'm also reading "The Rule of Four". I was told it was the thinking man's DaVinci Code. Not yet. The pace is slow. If it doesn't pick up soon, I'm not picking it up again!
Got a sermon for you to check out! Last year at the Tulsa Workshop 2005, Leonard Sweet did a session "Seeing with 20/20 Vision". Fantastic! Just call the Garnett Church of Christ in Tulsa, OK and ask them to send you the sermon. Only $5.00. You'll be glad you did!
Hope you had a great Father's Day yesterday. The Salt Lake Trib ran my article on "Daddy, I Love you" in Saturday's Faith Section. A copy of the article will be on our church's web site (
www.southsidechurchutah.org) this afternoon.
Has anyone seen "Praire Home Companion" movie? I'm waiting for a review before I go see it!