Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Great Trip

I've been on a ten day trip to Oklahoma and Texas. Dropped my daughter at Camp Zeneth at Oklahoma Christian, then dropped down to see my mother for a few days in Dallas. Did some fix it things around her house and ate some great Tex-Mex. Man, did I eat some great Tex-Mex! We don't have great Mexican food in Salt Lake, much less good Tex-Mex. I do miss it!

We went to the wedding of Savanna Osborn, the daugther of one of our elders here at Southside. The wedding was in Edmond, Oklahoma. She is one of our adopted daugthers- so we had to be there!

It is good to be home! Where are you going on vacation this summer?

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


On a recommendation from a good friend, Scott Warren, I've been watching season 1 of "Jericho". I gotta admit, it's a very good show. My daughter is now watching it with me after she gets home from work. Hey, you gotta grab time when you can.

Rent the series "John Adams" now that it is out on DVD. Very good. Plus, you'll learn some history. Would make a good father's day gift.

Did something that I've wanted to do for a long time but just couldn't muster the guts to do it. I finally did! I went to an ole fashioned barber shop (haircut $10) and got a flat top. I think it looks pretty good. Feels good, too! I'll keep it over the summer, then start growing my winter coat to keep me warm on those cold snowy days.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Second thoughts on my list

I've already added some books to the list. This Present Darkness & Piercing The Darkness are by far my favorite Christian fiction books of all time - yes, including Narnia series. Perhaps a list of my favorite Chrsitian fiction books?

A Shepherd Looks at the 23rd Psalm by Philip Kellor has to be on the list! So, add that one. Great, great insights into the Psalm 23. (He also wrote the Good Shepherd - a great book as well!)

I also enjoyed the Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. Great allegory.

Other books that overlooked?

Monday, June 09, 2008

Top 20 Favorite Books

Here is my list of Top 20 favorite books. Feel free to add to or take away! (I did cheat a little -some have multiple books counted as "one"book. For example, the Ken Gire "Moments" series.) -- Randy

1.) Pour Your Heart Into It by Howard Schultz
2.) Your God is Too Safe by Mark Buchanan
3.) Messy Spirituality by Mike Yaconelli
4.) Confession of a Pastor by Greg Greschel
5.) Visioneering by Andy Stanley
6.) Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning
7.) Unnstoppable Force by Erwin McManus
8.) Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis
9.) I Just Want To Be A Christian by Rubel Shelly
10) Disappointment With God by Philip Yancey
11) Working the Angles by Eugene Peterson
12) 7 Practices of Effective Ministry by Andy Stanley
13) No Wonder They Call Him Savior by Max Lucado
14) Moments With Savior series by Ken Gire
15) Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller
16) If You Want To Walk On Water, You've got to Get Out of The Boat by John Ortberg
17) Wild Men, Wild Alaska by Rocky McElveen
18) To Dream Again by Robert Dale
19) God Came Near/On the Anvil by Lucado
20) Houdini Solution by Ernie Schenck

Others: The Imitation Of Christ by Thomas A. Kempis, My Utmost For His Highest by Oswald Chambers,