Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Spiritual Checkup #2

How obvious is my faith in Jesus to those who know me best?
What percentage of my life does Jesus have complete control over?
What evidence can I provide that would show that I'm a disciple of Jesus?
Does my faith have children?
Are you secure in your salvation?

Mull these over in your heart in the next few days, then get back with God.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Spiritual Checkup

Last week I attended a retreat in Paris, TN hosted by Jerry Jones. While there, Albert Lemmons gave us a "Spiritual Temperature Check". I would like to share some of the questions with you in hopes that it will encourage you to do some serious self inventory. I have added some of my own questions.

1.) If I stopped believing in Jesus today, how would it really effect my life?
2.) How willing am I to do what the Bible tells me to do?
3.) How willing am I to sacrifice for others?
4.) Is Christianity something I do or is it something I am?
5.) How willing I am to deny myself to serve God and others?
6.) How intentional/regular am I in my study of God's word?
7.) How long as it been since I've intentionally invited/studied/witnessed to someone that I know does not know Jesus as their Savior?
8.) I often do I pray?
9.) I tithe a certain amount not matter what
10) What is my attitude toward my sin?
11) I consider the needs of others before my own needs

there are more questions. We'll share some more later. This should be enough to get you started.
Perhaps you've already thought of a question or two? I would love to hear your questions!