Monday, April 18, 2005


I love movies! Last night I went to a late show to see an independent film "Millions". It is the story of two brothers who find a bag full of money - or should I say, the money finds them. What the two brothers want to do with the money - one wants to spend it; the other wants to give it to the poor. Full of religious overtones, the movie helps you to ponder - what would you do; how would the money change you?

For a Salt Lake man last week, this question was not for the movies. He discovered $10,000 hidden in a vent in his house that he had just recently bought. He was having cable installed when they found the box of cash. He tracked down the previous owners of the house and gave them their money! (Think of all the rationale he could come up with to keep the money) Come to learn it belonged to an 85ish year old widow whose husband had hidden the money years ago. When asked why he returned the money, the japanese man responded, "So my daughter would be proud of me." Indeed.

Aren't you are richer for having read this blog?

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