Monday, June 13, 2005

He Went Small to Go Big!

Finally - a new blog. I hope to blog on a regular basis - the stream of ideas just tried up for some reason. I've been reading an excellent book "Teach Your Team to Fish" by Laurie Beth Jones. So far, one of my favorite chapters is on the subject of "He Went Small In Order To Go Big". Jones writes:
"The first computer required an entire warehouse just to store it. And for all its size, only a handful of people could use it. It was slow, clunky, and not very functional. But, by golly, it was BIG! Any of us who have witnessed the microprocesor revolution have seen computers and telephones get smaller and smaller. Yet, as they have decreased in physical size, their power and accessiblity have increased exponentially. The quantum physicist John Hagelin recently reminded us that our entire world could be destroyed by scientists releasing the energy in a single atom.
Jesus knew that in order to get big, he had to go small. He didn't amass the largest collection of people to try and change the world; instead he released the latent energy in the hearts of a few individuals, and the world was changed. Perhaps that's why observers saw tongues of fire appearing above the Apostles' heads on Penecost. Each individual was set on fire from within, and through that process, Jesus' cause and mission was multiplied exponentially. He went small in order to get big.
Which would you rather have - one Joan of Arc or ten thousand scattered soldiers? One Saint Paul, or two thousand committees? One John the Apostle, or six thousand pages of policies and procedures? One David, or a well-positioned army, full of Goliaths?
"And the word became flesh, and dwelt among us." This was God going smaller in order to get big.
Team leaders aren't scanning the horizon for the reinforcements to arrive. Team leaders look deep into the hearts of the people they serve, and set some hearts on fire."

Sometimes I dream of having a large congregation! Perhaps I need to rethink the dream. Maybe I need to think smaller in order to get bigger. Now, I'm thinking of ways that I can go smaller in order to get bigger. Back to the basics you might say - the basics of the life and ministry of Jesus! Instead of having a "mega" church; I'm hoping for a "meager" church - so we can have a "mission" church!

1 comment:

Neal said...

YES. I went through a study with my church of "Paradoxes" (We've got to surrender to be victorious, Die to live, Follow to Lead, etc).
At the end, we went in a different direction with "We've got to get smaller to get bigger." Pretty revolutionary concept for us. I love it.