Thursday, July 14, 2005

One Sign for Christian Churches?

Here in Salt Lake we are beginning a new thing - well, actually, its not new, one of our pastors saw this idea in England and told a few of us about it. So, a few of us decided that it would be great for Salt Lake.
Here's the idea: We would all have the same sign on the outside of our buildings. It will say something like (not the exact wording) - One Church. One Lord. One Gospel. Come here and learn more!
I love that! We hope it will be a witness to the LDS community (who were founded on the idea that the Christian church does not get along with each other) and others that we, as churches who proclaim Christ as Lord, are on the same team!
There have been several lunches to pitch the idea - so far 15 have signed up! 2 more lunches are planned. ( I am to go to the one in August). We hope to have 30 churches signed up as a starting point by September 1st. We're hoping for a lot of press coverage - to be a witness of unity!
Our church hasn't signed up yet - I want to learn all the ins and outs before talking with our leadership about it.
Any thoughts? Positive? Negative?


Randy said...

Steve - I will send you the design of the sign, etc. Make it happen, bro!

LoriLoo310 said...

I think that is amazing! It's so exciting to hear of such a unifying effort in Christ. Way to go!