The Real FEMA.
The warning was issued far in advance. Hurricane coming. Many residents of the Big Easy had always talked of the ‘big one’ coming one day. Some found it hard to believe.
Some left immediately. No questions. Some left quickly. A few investigate; then packed and left. Others lagged behind but eventually they decided it was best to leave. Some stayed. Some were stuck – they had no way of getting out because no one came to get them. A few were just defiant – stubborn souls who clung to their right to be foolish.
What a tragedy!! Sad. We will be counting the dead for quite a while. New Orleans is a ghost town; a watery morgue of floating corpses.
Sad. Much of this could have prevented.
Will it be any different when the Son of Man comes? The warning has been issued. Jesus is coming! The “big one”will come one day. Some find it hard to believe.
Some have heeded the warning with immediate action. Some have investigated, and then saw the wisdom in obeying. Others lag behind in apathy. Some are stuck in disbelief. A few will be defiant till the end.
Will we, who know He is coming, brave the murky waters of sin and its diseases to rescue those who are in harms way?
What a tragedy it will be! It will take eternity to count the spiritually dead. A lake of fire – with no water in sight.
Sad. Sad….. Much of this can be prevented . . .
The real FEMA -- F(ather’s) E(ternal) M(essage) A(rmy),
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