Tuesday, January 03, 2006

New games for the Clays!

My middle daugther, Rebecca, discovered a few new games during the holidays. She went to a friends house and played "RISK". She liked it so much she used some of her Christmas money to buy it. She has won her first five games! Although one of my favorite games, I hadn't played a game of Risk in about 20 years. I proved a bit rusty. She also discovered Parcheesi. I'd bet we played 50 games last week!
Others have their new games, too. My wife has discovered Sudoku - its some kind of number puzzle. My five year old discovered Princess Bingo, Gobblet Jr. and Batik.
Sprinkle in a few games of Apples to Apples and you've got a lot of new memories stored away at the Clay's house.
Any favorite games your family enjoys?

1 comment:

trent said...

Every New Years eve for as long as I can remember a group of us have gathered at my parents house to play pit. We have occasionally played it on birthdays as well. When some family members would come to the door and hear the yelling they thought they'd have to call the police. It hasn't been quite the same without my dad.