Saturday, March 11, 2006


I wasn't going to post again until Monday, but saw this moving description of the church on the blog "real live preacher" ( and wanted to share it with you.

Let me tell you what church is supposed to be. It is supposed to be a community of friends who have walked together through the good times and the hard times of life so that their shared history is more powerful than their differences. It is a gathering of spiritual seekers who do not demand exact conformity in every doctrine, but acknowledge a shared commitment to Christ and fidelity in living. There is real trust and love. Mistakes are made and people are forgiven. And you feel safe. Safe enough to laugh or cry. Safe enough even to sneak up to the front of the church and have a little fun with the ashes.


Stephen said...


The Church is reawakening, I think. It is a slumbering, lumbering giant, but it is stirring. There is evidence, here and there. It is hopeful. I hope we're around to see her stand again. Don't you?


Randy said...

Meeks, YES!! We must pray for the kingdom to come! i keep thinking of those prophetic words of Landon Saunders (remember trying to understand those preaching tapes?) - "there will come, someday, a new restoration movement. My fear is that we will be the ones to oppose it." Meeks, let's keep our eyes sharp for the coming of the kingdom!