Thursday, May 11, 2006

Is Da Vinci Da Vine?

As you call tell by the name of the post that I have decided to preach a sermon on the DaVinci Code - "Is Da Vinci Da Vine?" (pretty catchy title, aye?) It will be on May 28th. We will also show a DVD "Cracking the DiVinci Code" that night at 5. Maybe even have a discussion in a one time small group (like a book club).
Really enjoyed the Todd Agnew concert Monday night. He writes a lot of his music, is a fantastic guitar player, has an amazing voice - plus - the guy can really preach! Why do some people seem to have all the talent?
Have another busy weekend on tap. On Friday night is our second annual banquet to honor mothers hosted by our women's ministry (WINGS - Women In God's Service); a work day at the building on Saturday to spruce up the campus for summer, preach two services on Sunday morning, then celebrate Mother's Day in the afternoon!
BTW, I hit a home run this year for Mother's Day! Bought the wife some software she can use to design websites (retail - $1,000! because she works at a school, she gets an educator's discount - only costs $250! I told her to order it yesterday). Sure beats the diet books I bought her last year. (just kidding!)
What's the worst gift you've given your wife for Mother's Day? The best?

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