The meeting at the ward went extremely well! The room was packed. Chuck Mix did a great job of presenting our plans and answering their questions. The neighborhood seems excited that we're coming - we'll, I think they're excited that we're not a 7-11 or something akin to that, but we'll take the warm reception!
Today was my last day of radiation treatments! I'm glad to have that beyond me. It takes a month to see of the skin cancer is gone. I am very grateful to all the people who work at the Huntsman Cancer Institute. They go above and beyond the call of duty. I will keep them in my prayers.
Instead of asking God to bless you today, ask Him how you can be a blessing to Him today!
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Death by Meeting?

Tonight is our "town meeting" at the ward (what the Mormon's call their church buildings) next to our new property. We will explain our plans for the building and for the campus. We will also explain all the easements the city is asking for, which total around $400,000. We are hoping to get some of these issues resloved - we can't afford the extra expense. This meeting is a big step forward in getting us to the point of breaking ground.
Reading "Death by Meeting" by Patrick Lencioni. Great book for all who dread "meetings". I offer this quote:
"Imagine hearing a surgeon saying to a nurse before surgery: 'If I didn't have to operate on people, I might actually like this job.' Or a symphony conductor preparing for a performance: 'If it weren't for these concerts, I would enjoy my work more.' Or even a professional baseball player: 'I'd love my job if I didn't have to play in these games.'
Ridiculous, right? But that's exaclty what we're doing when we lament our meetings.
think about it this way. For those of us who lead and manage organizations, meetings are pretty much what we do.
And yet most of us hate them. We complain about, try to avoid, and long for the end of meetings, even when we're running the darn things!
And so my question is this: If we hate meetings, can we be making good decisions and successfully leading our organizations? I don't think so. There is simply no substitute for a good meeting - a dynamic, passionate, and focused engagement - when it comes to extracting the collective wisdom of a team. The hard truth is, bad meeting almost always lead to bad decisions, which is the best recipe for mediocrity.
But there is hope. By taking a contrarian, nontraditional view of meetings, and following a few specific guidelines, we can transform what now is painful and tedious into something productive, compelling, and even energizing."
One thing I really love about our leaders here at Southside - we know how to have a great meeting. Great meetings are important! How are the meetings at your church or business?
Friday, July 21, 2006
Cell Phone vs. Bible
Our Carnival in the Park went great! Lots of people working together to make it happen! My wife sent this to me today and I thought I would pass it on to you:
Cell Phone vs. Bible
I wonder what would happen if we treated our Bible like we treat our cell phones?
What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets?
What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it?
What if we flipped through it several times a day?
What if we used it to receive messages from the text?
What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it?
What if we gave it to kids as gifts?
What if we used it as we traveled?
What if we used it in case of an emergency?
What if we upgraded it to get the latest version?
This is something to make you go, "Hmmm... where is my Bible?"
Oh, and one more thing. Unlike our cell phone, we don't ever have to worry about our Bible being disconnected, because Jesus already paid the bill!
Cell Phone vs. Bible
I wonder what would happen if we treated our Bible like we treat our cell phones?
What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets?
What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it?
What if we flipped through it several times a day?
What if we used it to receive messages from the text?
What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it?
What if we gave it to kids as gifts?
What if we used it as we traveled?
What if we used it in case of an emergency?
What if we upgraded it to get the latest version?
This is something to make you go, "Hmmm... where is my Bible?"
Oh, and one more thing. Unlike our cell phone, we don't ever have to worry about our Bible being disconnected, because Jesus already paid the bill!
Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Well, only one night of VBS to go! About 150 people packed out little building last night learning about Jesus! Here, the pit crew is getting the kids registered for the Amazing Race! In the other picture, the auditorium becomes filled with children singing those VBS songs! During snack time you can have a "pit stop" for a great snow cone. Tomorrow is the Carnival in the Park. Should be a lot of fun!
My recommendation for the week: Call the Richland Hills Church of Christ in Ft.Worth,TX and order the DVD of Rick Atchley's "United Kingdom #3: Learning Division". It is one of THE best teachings on unity that I have ever heard. It will challenge you. It will insire you. And, it just might make you think. In fact, I bet if you ordered the whole series you couldn't go wrong!
Just started a new book on leadership entitled, "It's Your Ship". The book tells the story of Capt. D. Micheal Abrashoff and how he turned the USS Benfold into a model of naval efficiency. Came highly recommended by Bill Hybels. I'll let you know if its worth reading.
Well, gotta go. Time to get the gospel chariot rolling.
Monday, July 17, 2006

Had a fun day at church yesterday! For the sermon I got all the kids to come down and sit down on the floor with me and we talked to them about the importance of loving others from the movies "Cars". Oh, boy - you never know what children will say! (Old enought to remember "House Party" with Art Linkletter? Yeah). They enjoyed; the congregation enjoyed it; I enjoyed - and I think the Lord smiled as well. It was a good reminder that church is for the children, too! You should have seen their eyes light up with I put a picture of Lightning McQueen on the screen! That was priceless.
This week is Vacation Bible School. Our theme is "The Amazing Race". We don't use those pre-canned VBS kits. Oh, no! We write everything ourselves - which is half the value of doing it! A lot of good bonding time. Gets a lot of people involved.
We'll wrap up the week on Thursday night with Carnival in the Park. We went blow ups; grill hot dogs and hamburgers, have game booths, rock climbing, etc. (This year we hope to have a race care on display!). Usually about 400 folks show up! This year we're having it right next to where our new building will be located - so we're inviting the surrounding communities to come and join us. No telling how many we'll have this year! I'm hoping for 600!
Hopefully, I'll get some pictures tonight and post them on this blog to show you VBS Southside style!
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Met A Hero of Mine!

Friday night I attended the Rocky Mountian Review. The RMR is a summer league sponsored by the NBA for teams to let their rookies get a taste of the transistion to pro ball and for some free agents to make a good impression and land a spot on a team.
Anyway, I went mainly to see Ronnie Brewer who was drafted in the first round by the Jazz. Brewer played his college ball at Arkansas. He is the son of Ron Brewer, one of the famed "triplets", who led Arkansas' rise to basketball power in 1974-1978. He is one of my sports heroes.
Well, at halftime of the game I walked into the hallway. (I was wearing a Razorback hat and shirt). I heard a voice say, "I like that shirt". I looked up - it was Ron Brewer! Holy Cow!
I said, "Hey, Ron. You d' man!" Then I said, "You remember that poster of you, Moncrief and Delph with the caption "chairman of the Board" on it? Got that down in my basement."
He smiled and said, "Me, too!"
"Should I be worried 'bout my Hogs next year?"
"Nope. Don't be worried. They'll be alright! Stan Heath is a great recruiter. They'll be just fine."
"It was great to talk with you. It's great to have you and Ronnie in Utah."
"Glad to be here." he said. Then I went back to my seat.
Boy, that was a great night. Oh, and Ronnie had a great game, too! The Jazz won by 20 points. For a old Hog fan, it was a night to remember.
Have you ever met one of your heroes?
Saturday, July 15, 2006
A quote from Leonard Sweet's book "Out of the Question and Into the Mystery" I'd like to share with you:
"We know how to save the world. We just realize that we know what we know. The way to save the world is not through more rules to live by, but through right relationships to live for.
To save the world we need something more biblical than higher standards. We need higher relationships. We need less to be "true to our principles" and much more to be true to our relationships. To save the world we don't need the courage of our convictions. We need the courage of our relationships . . . especially the courage of a right relationship with the Creator, the creation, and our fellow creatures. Our problem with reaching the world is that we've made rules more important than relationship.
Western Christianity is largely belief based and church focused. The Jesus trimtab, in contrast, is relationship based and world focused. It is less invested in maintaining and growing an institution and more invested in Jesus' passion for saving the world.
We have yanked ourselves from the soil of relationship with God so we can do the work of tidying things up. We are now sanitized and correct, factual and precise, but tragically bereft of relationship. We are disconnected from our source so that we have become sterile. We may be doctrinally correct, but we have become spiritual cadavers."
Challenging words to be sure. Let us be about loving God and loving our neighbors as ourselves.
"We know how to save the world. We just realize that we know what we know. The way to save the world is not through more rules to live by, but through right relationships to live for.
To save the world we need something more biblical than higher standards. We need higher relationships. We need less to be "true to our principles" and much more to be true to our relationships. To save the world we don't need the courage of our convictions. We need the courage of our relationships . . . especially the courage of a right relationship with the Creator, the creation, and our fellow creatures. Our problem with reaching the world is that we've made rules more important than relationship.
Western Christianity is largely belief based and church focused. The Jesus trimtab, in contrast, is relationship based and world focused. It is less invested in maintaining and growing an institution and more invested in Jesus' passion for saving the world.
We have yanked ourselves from the soil of relationship with God so we can do the work of tidying things up. We are now sanitized and correct, factual and precise, but tragically bereft of relationship. We are disconnected from our source so that we have become sterile. We may be doctrinally correct, but we have become spiritual cadavers."
Challenging words to be sure. Let us be about loving God and loving our neighbors as ourselves.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Half Way Through!
Well, I'm halfway through the radiation treatments. So, tomorrow I'm bringing the staff some Krispy Kreme's. They are a wonderful team of people who are dedicated to what they do. (They gave me a 7:30 a.m. appointment, which is thirty minutes before they open, just so I could go to Boise yesterday to take the preteens to camp! That's what I call going above and beyond the call of duty!)
Went to Boise, Idaho and back yesterday. Help take the pre-teens to camp. It makes for a long day (a 14 hour round trip). Ed Farr always makes the trip with me. We tap the day off with supper at Maddox! (It's the best resturant in the whole state, in my humble but accurate opinion). This year our wives drove up (about an hour and fifteen minute drive from Salt Lake) and joined us! It was a great way to wrap the trip!
VBS prep is in full swing! Lots going on this week. It always seems to come together some how.
Went to Boise, Idaho and back yesterday. Help take the pre-teens to camp. It makes for a long day (a 14 hour round trip). Ed Farr always makes the trip with me. We tap the day off with supper at Maddox! (It's the best resturant in the whole state, in my humble but accurate opinion). This year our wives drove up (about an hour and fifteen minute drive from Salt Lake) and joined us! It was a great way to wrap the trip!
VBS prep is in full swing! Lots going on this week. It always seems to come together some how.
Monday, July 10, 2006

Catching up: Loved "Pirates"! Someone complained that it didn't have an ending. HELLO! It's the midde of a trilogy for cryin' out loud! Still, I thought it was very funny with lots of action. Looking forward to part 3 next summer.
Several movies in the trailers looked pretty good. "Grid Iron" and "Invincible" caught my eye. Any other movie(s) that you are looking forward to seeing?
Really enjoying reading "The Five Disfunctions of a Team". Reads kinda like a novel. (Lencioni refers to it as fable).
Our Guest Services Ministry is really getting cranked up. Yesterday we revealed our "chair Bibles" - new Bibles placed in the backs of our chairs. Now when I preach on a text, I'll just say the page number so anyone who is not familiar with the Bible (which a lot of our first time guests are not) can simply turn to it and follow along. We also revealed our "Ask Me!" badges. Several people, who will be trained, will wear the badge on Sundays. They will answer questions which our guests may have. We always have greeters at the doors when people come in for assembly. Now, we will also have "exit" greeters for people leaving our assembly! I really like that.
The best thing that I'm exicted about is the fact that each of our guests will be followed up in some way 48 hours following our assemblies!
I need a good novel to read. Anyone have a summer read to recommend?
Friday, July 07, 2006
Weekend is Here!

Went to see the funniest movie that I've seen in a long time a few days ago! Go see "RV" with Robin Williams. In Salt Lake it is on at the dollar theater. Very, very funny movie with a great point to make about family! I haven't laughed that hard and that often in a movie for I can't remember when.
Looking forward to seeing "Dead Man's Chest" (Pirates, part 2) tonight. Got the tickets yesterday and the Clay Clan is all fired up.
Just saw the DVD of Jeff Walling's presentation at the North America Christian Convention. You gotta see it! Many are calling it an historical occasion in the relationship between churches of Christ and the indpendent Christian churches. Boy, I hope so! The DVD is very moving. Jerry Lewis (love that name!), from The Point Christian Church, brought it by for me to see. A few years ago he and I swapped churches for a day when he was at Southeast Christian here in Salt Lake. That was a lot of fun. Hope we do it again soon!
Well, I'm almost half way through my radiation treatments. May be the most expensive "tan" I'll ever get! So far, so good.
Hope you have a great weekend. Take a Sabbath day! Unplug. Unwind. It'll do you good.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Just starting a new book. If Leonard Sweet is as good as writer as he is speaker, I'm in for a real treat. The book is entitled, "Out Of The Question and Into The Mystery". On the jacket he writes:
Christianity isn't founded on a proposition. God sent Jesus to deliver a proposal: "Will you love me? Will you let me love you?"
In fact, Jesus not only got down on his knees to deliver this proposal. He was nailed to a cross to deliver it. Because of Jesus, we can reach for God himself, not simply for more precise statements about God.
Propositions inform us, but God's proposal of love in Jesus transforms us. God doesn't answer every question; God invites us into a mystery.
Sounds interesting, doesn't it? I'll keep you informed.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
The Clay Clip Joint

Was giving my dog Saturn, a Jack Russell terrier, a haircut yesterday. I hate to pay someone forty bucks to clip him, so I bought some clippers at Costco thirteen years ago so I could do it myself. Up until now I figured that I have saved a lot of money. Yesterday I was trimming his face with the scissors when he suddenly turned his head - the scissors cut right into my left hand thumb (which I was using to hold him still). After bleeding for a few hours, I went to an instant care and got four stitches! Ouch! Not a grat way to start the fourth. Although yesterday was a pretty expensive clip, I figure that I'm still way ahead.
Got a question. Gas grill or the old fashion charcoal kind? Can you tell a difference in the taste? My wife says "no, you can't tell the difference," to which I say, "Bull butter! You can tell the difference!" I'm just too lazy to light the coals, wait for them to turn white hot and grill. (Not to mention the clean up.) I must confess, I prefer charcoal. Any comments?
Have a great fourth of July. And thank God for the freedoms we enjoy!
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