Catching up: Loved "Pirates"! Someone complained that it didn't have an ending. HELLO! It's the midde of a trilogy for cryin' out loud! Still, I thought it was very funny with lots of action. Looking forward to part 3 next summer.
Several movies in the trailers looked pretty good. "Grid Iron" and "Invincible" caught my eye. Any other movie(s) that you are looking forward to seeing?
Really enjoying reading "The Five Disfunctions of a Team". Reads kinda like a novel. (Lencioni refers to it as fable).
Our Guest Services Ministry is really getting cranked up. Yesterday we revealed our "chair Bibles" - new Bibles placed in the backs of our chairs. Now when I preach on a text, I'll just say the page number so anyone who is not familiar with the Bible (which a lot of our first time guests are not) can simply turn to it and follow along. We also revealed our "Ask Me!" badges. Several people, who will be trained, will wear the badge on Sundays. They will answer questions which our guests may have. We always have greeters at the doors when people come in for assembly. Now, we will also have "exit" greeters for people leaving our assembly! I really like that.
The best thing that I'm exicted about is the fact that each of our guests will be followed up in some way 48 hours following our assemblies!
I need a good novel to read. Anyone have a summer read to recommend?
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