Thursday, October 19, 2006

GREAT ministry resource

I've got a great worship resource for you! Since I was just put in charge of our new worship planning team (which, to be honest, I really asked for the job!). I am on the lookout for resources to help make our worship fresh. Contemporary. You know - up to date.

Well, found a tremendous resource yesterday. It's called Sermonspice. (just go to
www. Watch the video called "suppertime". We're going to use that very soon at Southside!

It seems that God gives me just want I need for a sermon at just the right time every week. Know what I mean? This week I was really struggling with how to make Zacchaeus fresh - a new slant; a new insight. Then, I found this web site through another pastor here in town, and there it was - a great little four minute video on how we see people. Man, I just love it when God does that!

Enjoy the resource. I hope it's helpful. If you know of some resources, please pass them on! It's nice to share.


preacherman said...


Great post.
Thanks for the information.
I appreciate it.
And keep up the great blogging.
I love reading your blog daily.

Randy said...

Thanks! I'm trying to blog every day. But as you can see, that ain't happening yet! I am trying . . .

Dave said... is where I get a TON of great visual resources, from backgrounds to countdowns, to mini videos.

also has great stuff you can order for your larger events...

Randy said...

Dave, another great resource! Which ones have you used? Thanks for the info. I'll pass this on to our audio/visual team.