Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Posting Again!

It's been a very hectic summer getting this building constructed. We've done a lot of the work ourselves, which has been taxing - but as brought a sense of community which has brought us all closer together.

We're in the final stages. Painting. Laying tile. Putting in the springler system. That kind of thing. Our goal is to be in by Sept.16th. Don't think we'll make it. If not, we will worship at Oquirrh Elementary, kittly corner to our building, for a few weeks.

Just saw the movie "September Dawn". The movie is about the Mountian Meadows Massacre which occured in southern Utah in 1857. 127 men, women and children were shot down in cold blooded murder (it was a wagon train from Arkansas). If you have an interest in Mormon history, I would encourage you to go see it.

What is your favorite movie of the summer so far?

In a few weeks we are planting trees on the new property. The cool thing about that is about 20 churches have bought trees and are coming to plant them on the 15th of Sept. I love that! There is a lot of symbolism in that! If your church would like to give a tree, just let me know.

Can't believe I haven't posted since July 23! Where did the summer go?!

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