Monday, January 28, 2008

When Can a Person Leave a Church?

I believe that there are valid reasons for a person leaving a church. Here are some valid reasons that I can think of. This is not an exhaustive list by any means. Feel free to add to the list.

The first reason should be obvious. If a church is teaching heresy. Jesus didn't raise from the dead. The Bible is not the inspired Word of God. Jesus really didn't do miracles. There are other teachers on par with Christ. That kind of thing.

Second, when you move to another town. Again, an obvious reason, but just wanted to get it out there.

Third reason would be that you can't follow the leaders of that church. They are not living what they teach, or there is an obvious sin issue that isn't being addressed. They lord it over the flock, etc. That would be a serious issue for me.

That should get the ball rolling. In other reasons that you feel are valid for someone leaving a body of local believers?

1 comment:

Steve Scott said...

Greetings, Randy. I came across your blog because I did a topical search on Google. I don't believe in a severly limited number of reasons, as some teach, but believe it's okay to leave whenever it's not a sin. If it is beneficial for one's family or for the kingdom, it's fine in my book. I've seen people leave churches because of legalism or narrow mindedness that limits the ability of individuals or families to serve others. I've left two churches myself. False doctrine, wacko beliefs, exclusionary practices (such as forbidding me to partake of communion), etc., were the reasons. Great question.