Wow. What a weekend! Planting 600 plants, bushes, flowers, etc. over three days. People working together. Sweating together. Talking. Sharing stories. Working on a common goal. I just love it when we are a living, breathing community!
To see all the volunteers it took to put on a yard sale together of that magnitude just brought a smile to my face. We raised over $3,000! The money will go toward buying tables and chairs for the family life center. Again, the working together - building community - is priceless!
We honored our graduating high school seniors today. Our associate minister, Kevin Hooper, did and outstanding job of planning the assembly. Our teens wrote and performed a touching drama. I saw a few tears on the faces as the left the worship center.
This, I think, was a good day. Didn't have anything to do with attendance. Didn't have anything to do with something extra ordinary. It was just a great time for the family of God to work together and honor some of our own who have reached a milestone in their lives. Isn't that what a community is supposed to be and do?
It's almost Monday morning. I'm heading to bed.
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