Monday, March 23, 2009

Unanswered Prayer/Heaven

Had a great repsonse to my first sermon on "The Pain of Unaswered Prayer". How many of us have gone through a time when we felt forgotten by God? Seems almost everyone at Southside! Probably a lot of folks at your church, too!

Had a lot of discussion in my class on "Heaven" Sunday morning. I love it when a class actually promotes a discussion of the text. People were thinking - asking - commenting. Getting people engaged with God's Word is a holy thing.

This Sunday is our "Good To See You Sunday". We aim at inviting those of our congregation we haven't seen in a few weeks. Jesus told us to leave the 99 and go find the one. That's excatly what we're trying to do. We have 11 baptisms so far this year (a great thing!) - we don't won't to forget the other things that God has called us to do. Marcellus Stanley will be our guest worship leader. Looking forward to him being a part of our special day!

Going to figure out Twitter this week! Seems it has a lot of ministry potential. One of my goals this year is to use more technology in ministry. If you have any suggestions, please pass them on!

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