Tuesday, April 12, 2005

A Few of My Favorite Things

In all due respect to Julie Andrews, these are a few of my favorite things:
cold fried chicken for breakfast
day old buttered popcorn
wearing old shoes
smell of a fresh mowed lawn
watching "Lost"
old blue jeans
any Chris Tomlin CD
a cloudy, rainy day
10 inches of snow on my driveway
spring time in the Wasatch Mountians
my "ome banjo" baseball hat
any Alison Krauss CD
a hot one at Krispy Kreme


Jason said...

Hey cool list! I agree, fried chicken is good any time of the day...but cold? I've never tried that! And I'm eating popcorn as I type, I just can't wait till tomorrow! Ditto on the mowed grass and Krispy Kremes, and there is some fine pickin' and singin' on any Krauss cd. However, I wouldn't know about the whole 10 inches of snow thing, I don't think I've even seen that much! Ok, back to studying...

Courtney & Co. said...

A few of my favorite things:

1. Hugging Jim when he gets home and the look on my boy's faces when they see their dad after a long time apart

2. VBS at Southside (forever in my heart as some of my best memories)

3. Opening and reading the first pages of a much anticipated book (July 16, 2005)

4. Hearing from good friends who are now far away

5. Holding a new baby and knowing I can give him back to his mommy when he starts to cry!!

6. Summers in Alaska

7. Watching my boys succeed

8. Helping my boys get back up when they fail

9. Uncontrolable laughter

10. Walking into a clean house at the end of a long day. . .ahhhhh!

Randy said...

Courtney - Love the list! Yes, July 16th!!!! VBS - just had our first meeting last Sunday!