Monday, August 08, 2005


I grew up signing the song "Anywhere With Jesus" - with these words, "anywhere with Jesus I can safely go, anywhere he leads me in this world below . . " Here's the question. I've been invited to do a 10 Bible teaching time with the church in Saudi Arabia. To say that my family is nervous about this would be an understatement. Should I go?


Jason said...

No doubt that would be a cool experience, an eye opening one to be sure. I don't know what the current situation is down there, as far as saftey and politics go. But if you decide to go, I think it could be a real blessing both for the church there and for you.

The question is, can the Middle East handle Randy Clay? If you do go, bring your banjo along and show em' some fine pickin'!

LoriLoo310 said...

I lived in the Middle East for five years. You should go ... it would be a wonderful once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Christopher Trottier said...

It depends. Do you want to come out of the country alive?

Dave said...

Yowza big dog...

What an opportunity.

It would be hard to pass up, I mean, Saudi Arabia is safer than other places you could go. It's not like they invited you to walk into the middle of Baghdad with a milk crate and a loudpseaker.

I'll be in prayer about your decision.

Courtney & Co. said...

To be the voice of a selfish wife for one minute. . .
Don't go. Your wife will hate every minute you're gone. The wondering, the worry, the never ending negative spin on the Middle East by the media, the ongoing "anti-Americanism" displayed throughout the liberal stronghold; knowing the person you love with all your heart is a world away surrounded by hate. . .it can be more than a person should ever be asked to handle. I know exactly what it feels like when your heart breaks, and the overwhelming pain of feeling incomplete without your husband by your side daily.

That being said: I now reassume the voice of clear-headed, straight forward, knowledgeable Christian wife. . .
For me to stand between my husband and his duty (be it military or for the cause of Christ) does nothing to glorify the kingdom and it places him in a position fail as the man he has been called to be. In the greater scheme of things, (my selfish desires aside) God knows the plans he has for you and who in the world am I to stand in the way of those plans. So I say to you, go. Go into all the world and spread the good news, go and make disciples of men, do that which you feel called to do.
As the wives of men who must go, we can't help but worry. The very nature of our love lends itself to worry and distress. But, we get up everyday and we breath. We find strength we never knew we had and we thank God daily for blessing us with husbands who know that there is a greater good to accomplish.

On a personal note, I developed a deeper understanding for the overwhelming sacrifice God made when he told His one and only son to go. . .it had be more than a person should ever be asked to handle. . .but He did, because He knew all along there was a greater good to accomplish.

(Sorry for the long post. . .and tell Kathy not to hate me for suggesting you go!)

Randy said...

wow. Thanks for all you comments. I don't think there is a "right or wrong" answer here. The invitation came from my college roommate, who has lived there for about 10 years. The church there is small and needs encouragement. I really appreciated your thoughts (as I always do!) Courtney. I will continue to be in prayer and will keep you posted on this blog.

Matt Warren said...

Thanks for visiting the blog and leaving a comment. come back often. I'm about an hour south of Tishomingo. I'll actually be going to a football game there later this year.

God often calls us to some uncomfortable places in our lives, actually I think that is when we are probably the most effective (when we actually get out of our comfort zone, me included). After all isn't that when we truly learn to rely on God's spirit to guide us. Sounds like a great oppurtunity to minister and encourage! God Bless you in whatever decision you make.


steve said...

God Bless!

If you get a chance could you please say a prayer for a little girl named "Rebekah" who has cancer. God knows who you will be praying about! Thank you so much!

Trying to rally some good Christian Prayer for her and her family!