Wednesday, May 31, 2006

latest skin cancer news

Whenever a child comes up to me at church and says, "give me some skin" (gimme five) - I tell them I don't have any to spare!

Well, for you that know me know that I am a skin cancer making machine. So far, I've had four skin grafts (one is nine square inches!). Went yesterday to have a small spot taken off. Dr. Glen Bowen, a micro mose surgeon at the Huntsman Cancer Institute, found two more spots. One is quite a large spot - running down the back of my ear, on my ear, and goes around the orginal graft and into my hair line. Because the patch is so large, he didn't want to cut it out until I see a radiologists and see if we can treat it with radiation. (Those treatments would be every day for five weeks!) I would just as soon cut the stuff out and get on with it. I'll keep you posted.


Courtney & Co. said...

You could have some of my skin if you need it! Kind of give new meaning to be comfortable in your own skin doesn't it. . .we're praying for you brother

Matt Warren said...

Definitely praying for you

KPrince said...

We are praying for you too Randy! Let's pray they can just cut it out...but more so, whatever is best for you!


Susan said...

I'm so sorry to hear your news. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you.