Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Have a great book to recommend. Right now I'm reading "Anonymous: Jesus' Hidden Years" by Alicia Britt Chole. She writes in a thoughtful, reflective tone. Here is a sample:

10% visible + 90% unseen = an indestructible life

Icebergs do not grow their virtually indestructible strength top down, but bottom up. Over countless millennia, falling snow melts and refreezes layer upon layer, creating enormous ice sheets over land and extending ice shelves over the sea. When chunks break off these icy masses they are referred to as icbergs and are monitored closely because of their profound effect upon sea life and shipping.

The point being that an iceberg's strength does not emerge overnight but grows slowly, layer upon layer, over time. Likewise, Jesus' spiritual reslove did not suddenly materialize the moment he stepped into the desert. His ability to throw out an anchor in God's Word and reposition his roaring feelings behind God's will was not an istant acquisition. That strength had been growing steadily in unapplauded places as Jesus developed a severely underrated value.

More tomorrow.

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