Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Checking in !

Haven't posted for a while, so thought I would check in! It's been one of those summers. We're providing volunteer labor on our construction of our new church building. We also have VBS going on right now. That takes a lot of time. We always wind up VBS with a Carnival in The Park. If that is not enough, we are beginning to pack everything up in the current building!

Right now, I'm reading "Made to Stick" by Chip Heath & Dan Heath. A great book for all communicators. I'm also reading "Life of Pi". Haven't made my mind up on the book yet. Has anyone read it? Can't wait to get the final Harry Potter book on Friday night. I always go to the midnight party with my daughter. We have a great time.

Did catch "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" last week. While not my favorite HP movie, it served the book well. Enjoyed "Transformers" more than I thought I would. Did finish the first season of "24" on DVD. WOW!! I've already started season two. I hope to have watched all six seasons before season 7 begins.

What are you doing this summer? Its time to check in!


trent said...

Hey Randy just thought I'd "check in". Haven't talked to you for a while. If you have time I'd like to take you out for lunch. I'm free Monday through Thursday.
Let's see last time I talked to you I was trying to decide whether I wanted to keep working as a mechanic or not and also letting you know that I didn't have the guts to start my own shop. Well I stayed out of mechanics and went into machining. I took a job that was pitched as building an aircraft engine and growing with the company. It turned out to be slightly different. I decided that I wasn't accomplishing with my life what I wanted to and that I would need more time if I was going to. So I found a job that would give me 4 days off a week. It's not the most challenging or exciting job in the world, but it pays me enough and I have the time off that I want. Unfortunately the 3 days that I do work are Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I found out yesterday that an old friend of mine killed himself this last Saturday. I hadn't talked to him for a few years or so.
I drove past the new building tonight. It's looking good.
Sorry for giving you the long version of what I've been doing this summer.

Randy said...

Trent - Glad you checked in! I've been missing you! Question: My daugther's Focus needs the fan fixed and a tune up. Anyone place you would recommend? Do you do stuff on the side? I'd rather pay you than someone I don't know! Come and see us soon! Give me a buzz on my cell phone!