Monday, February 16, 2009

Preaching Calendar

Using an idea from the book "24 Innovative Ideas" by Ed Young and Andy Stanley, our worship planning team is working on a preaching calendar. The idea is to look at the entire year, and to intentionally plan the preaching calander. Thought is given to balance (Old Testament, NT, etc.) and "timing" (a series on the family that you announce at Easter for example). We're starting with six months, with the next six months penciled in. I love the idea! I'll let you know how it works and the calendar we come up with.

I'm just tired of planning week to week or month to month. Another idea that we're incorporating is the "big idea" for a Sunday. You revampt the bulletin to fit that theme. You decorate the building with posters and bananers to reinforce the theme. We've done on a limited basis but we hope now to put this idea in full force.

How do you (or your church) your preaching calendar?

On Wednesday I'll discuss what I do to balance my preaching every month.

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