Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Preaching to the WHOLE congreagtion

I believe that good preaching is hard work. Good preaching is preaching that reaches the whole congregation, not just one segment of it.

Each month I try to preach in different "channels". Some people are thinkers - the analytical types. Some are feelers - they are very emotional people. See are visual -- they have to be stimulated with pictures. Some love a good story. Some are practical - tell me how to practically deepen my walk with Christ.

Each month to six weeks, I try and look back. Did I reach the thinkers? Did I have a sermon that touched us on an emotional level? Did I tell a good story? Did I present a solid, practical challenge to deepen our walk with Christ? Did we "feel" the impact of the gospel? Did we dig deep into the Word?

I have my natural channel. I have to be very intentional to change my channel every Sunday so I can reach the whole congregation in the way they learn and grow.

Gary Thomas discusses this in his book "Sacred Pathways". We each have our "path" to God.

What is your 'path"? How does your church celebrate the "different" paths to God? Or do they?

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