Monday, September 12, 2005

Being generous

Yesterday, our little 250 member congregation gave over $11,000! $6,600 plus was given to hurricane relief (church of Christ disaster relief fund), the rest to our regular contribution. Now, before I say anything, please know that I am proud of our church for giving as they did. Here's the question - why do we have to wait for a crisis to be so generous? If we, as God's people, were giving like we should (with 10% as the beginning point) - would we have to have "special contributions"? Why don't we just give every week like that?
My daughther, who is freshman at Oklahoma Christian, called me to tell me that a bunch of students and faculty are headed to the gulf coast during fall break to help with the clean up. She was going to Dallas to spend a few days with her grandmother (and no doubt do some shopping!). I'm really proud that she wants to go down and serve - instead of being served. They will sleep in tents - a fact that plays a part in this because my daugther hates to camp out! We all should get out of our comfort zones for others more often. Okay - thanks for letting me brag a little.
Hope you have a blessed day.


Neal said...

Sometimes it takes a little motivation for us to really dig deep...but it's awesome that your congregation was willing to do it. Very nice. Hope your ministry is being blessed.

Steve said...

Our church of about 35 gave over $1000 to disaster relief. I think it also points out we are more likely to dig deep when with have a mission or purpose. Paying to keep the lights on and salaries paid won't excite folks.