Monday, February 27, 2006

Observe Lent?

Just finished a great book, "Mudhouse Sabbath" by Laurie Winner. She discusses the Jewish rituals in a Christian context. Winner has a unique perspective - she was raised in Judiasm before becoming a Christian. Read "Sacred Sorrow" by Michael Card on the plane. Card writes like the poet he is while having great insights into lament worship.

Just started "The Camel Club" by David Baldacci. Baldacci is better than Grisham, in my opinion. Read any good fiction lately? I need ideas! (If you haven't read the "Kite Runner" - go to your local library of Barnes and Noble and enjoy this great read).

Still reflecting on the ACU lectures. Mark Love is doing a great job of retooling the annual event on the ACU campus. I would recommend putting it on your calendar for September when it makes the switch from Feburary (thank you!!!!!) when the weather should be great.

Trying to decide on whether to observe Lent or not. Do you observe Lent? Why or why not?

Okay - it's Monday. Gotta get it in gear.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Goodbye to Don Knotts

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a huge fan of The Andy Griffith Show. Greatest comedy EVER to be on TV, in my humble but accurate opinion. Today, the great Don Knotts passed away. The first five seasons of TAGS are the best - largely due to the presense of Barney Fife. He and Griffith made a great team. The other years of TAGS are "good" but the first five years - are the greatest of all time.
For all of us who are honorary citizens of Mayberry, today is a sad day.
Do you have a favorite Barney eposide?

Friday, February 24, 2006

ACU Lectures

Haven't been to the Abilene Christian University lectures in over 13 years. The reason? Partly because of the distance - a 22 hour drive (or a $275 flight), but mostly because of content. While living there (1989-1993) the lectures seemed out of date - old topics; same teachers every year.
This year I returned - Mark Love is the new director and he is doing a great job of bringing new energy and vision to the ACU lectures. My highlights - the "U2 and the Psalms" on Sunday night, David Fleer's keynote on Monday night on John 4, and Randy Harris' 3 day class on spiritual direction. I missed Mike Cope's keynote. Heard it was excellent - so I bought the tape and will listen to it very soon.
They even let me teach a class! My topic was "Sacred Sorrow" - the 2 words that will change our worship from Hab. 3:17 (lament worship). I am scheduled to teach the same class at Pepperdine in May.
Okay, okay - the "other" highlight was getting great Tex-Mex, excellent BBQ, mouth watering chicken fried steak, feasting on catfish, breakast tacos at Towne Crier . ending the week with a feast on Joe T. Garcia's in Ft. Worth. Ah, the food!!! The food!!!!
The best part of the week was seeing friends that I had not seen in a long time. It was great to renew "the tie that binds" and catch up on their lives. Am I really that old?
As you can tell - I will be returning to ACU.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Turning 48!

Turned 48 yesterday. My wife made me a german chocolate cake from scratch - the best in the world! Went out to eat some good mexican food with the Farr's - nothing like sharing a special day with people you are close to. Friends called in to wish my a happy brithday. My five year old was concerned that I didn't blow out my candles on the cake! (We brought the cake to the resturant because Arlene Farr loves german chocolate cake, so I shared!) Overall, it was a great day. I am a very blessed man.

We had our 40 Days of Purpose Kick-Off on Sunday, which coincided with the Super Bowl. Our women's ministry did a fantastic job of decorating the school (we met at Oquirrh Elementary) gym and cafeteria. Many thought that it was one of our best assemblies we've ever had.

Now, how to spend the birthday money?