Monday, February 27, 2006

Observe Lent?

Just finished a great book, "Mudhouse Sabbath" by Laurie Winner. She discusses the Jewish rituals in a Christian context. Winner has a unique perspective - she was raised in Judiasm before becoming a Christian. Read "Sacred Sorrow" by Michael Card on the plane. Card writes like the poet he is while having great insights into lament worship.

Just started "The Camel Club" by David Baldacci. Baldacci is better than Grisham, in my opinion. Read any good fiction lately? I need ideas! (If you haven't read the "Kite Runner" - go to your local library of Barnes and Noble and enjoy this great read).

Still reflecting on the ACU lectures. Mark Love is doing a great job of retooling the annual event on the ACU campus. I would recommend putting it on your calendar for September when it makes the switch from Feburary (thank you!!!!!) when the weather should be great.

Trying to decide on whether to observe Lent or not. Do you observe Lent? Why or why not?

Okay - it's Monday. Gotta get it in gear.

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