Friday, April 29, 2005

most ignored command

I was raised with the teaching "we speak where the Bible speaks; we are silent where the Bible is silent." Sounded great. Made for a catchy motto. For a long time, I even believed it.
The truth is - I believe the sentiment in the slogan. The trouble is - we in the churches of Christ haven't been very effective in living it out.
Let me give you one example. James tells us that when we are sick to call the elders of the church to annoint us with oil and pray over us. How many of us do that? James doesn't tell us how "sick" sick is - a cold or do we wait for cancer? In my experience this is one of the most ignored verses in the Bible.
In the last few months, my shepherds have anointed me with oil. My fellow pastors have annointed me with oil. You could say - I'm a well oiled preacher!
Why do we ignore this admonition? What are we afraid of? Anyone have an insight?

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Things I Don't Miss

Well, to be fair, there are some things I don't miss about the "homeland" (central Arknasas).
Humidity. Went back a few years ago for a high school reunion. I forgot how thick the air can be after that thunderstorm!
Mosquitos. Ah, to be able to go out on my back deck and have supper instead of "being" supper.
Issues. I don't miss all the "issues" of the church. Now, to be fair - I've been gone for a long time (since 1980) and things might have changed.
I guess when it comes to the place we grow up, we all have "selected" memory. The foothills of the Ozarks will always be home to me.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Things I Miss

Although I love Utah, theres no place like home . . . being raised in central Arkansas, I was thinking of the things I miss about the homeland-
Fried catfish and hushpuppies and sweet iced tea. Never, never order ice tea in a resturant in Utah. It will be stronger than your Aunt Ethel's perfume. Its more like tea concentrate.
Thunderstorms. I love a good thunderstorm.
Good B-B-Q (just writing it like that brings back memories). Notice, I said GOOD b-b-q. Utahans wouldn't know good ribs if they walked up and slapped them in the face and said that Joseph Smith was a Baptist. You've got to wash it down with sweet iced tea!
Doughnuts. The best doughnuts in the world were to be found at Clement's Doughnuts in downtown Conway, Arkansas! They had this white cream filled . . . . ah, man was it delicious. Anybody know - is it still there?
Shorty's Little Pig Number Three. (Mom and Pop hamburger drive-ins are the best! Each have a unique way of making a burger and fries. ) One of the mysteries of life - where is the Little Pig #1 and #2?
Family. I do miss seeing family any time I wanted. Sunday afternoons just sitting around talking - drinking sweet ice tea in a mason jar. It just tastes better in a mason jar.
I miss going to a resturant, ordering iced tea and being brought sweet tea unless you requested otherwise. I miss all the trees and folage. I miss people saying, "ya'll" and "fixin' to". I miss seeing Razorback stuff everywhere you go!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Doing a Wedding Today

I'm performing a wedding today. They are not members of our church - or any church for that matter. In fact, they don't know Jesus at all. They have been living together for about a year. People always ask me how I can be involved in weddings like this - aren't they living in "sin"?
I've met with them for the last four weeks. We've talked about a lot of things. I've tried to meet them at the "well" - meeting them where they're at, discussing marriage and life from God's perspective. We've become good friends.
At our last session they thanked me for not judging them - for accepting them. The groom simply said, "Thank you. We really feel that we were led to meet you and for you to do our wedding. We want to get with you after the wedding and talk some more." Evidently, they had asked others to do the ceremony - but there were too many "strings" and "judgements" .
Tonight I'll perform their ceremony. No doubt many there will get drunk. (But wasn't Jesus himself at such a wedding?) I have no doubt that if Jesus were here, He would be there too.
People need our love - not our judgement. People need our presence - not our prejudice. I guess the bottom line for me is that I can't influence those that I am not with. After all, it is not the well who need the doctor . . . . .

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

a decision

Today I was to attend an annual ministry conference here in Salt Lake - given by local ministers in area of ministry in which they have been successful. I always enjoy getting together with fellow ministers - a day of networking, encouraging. For an "otter" like me - its 7 hours of heaven.
For the last 6 months Tuesday has been my day off since my wife is now working part time at a elementary school. My five year old calls it "Terriffic Tuesday" - we go to McDonald's for lunch, storytime with Miss Susan, a few hours of playing Barbie - well, you get the idea. She starts counting down the days around Saturday -- "three days till Tuesday!" she'll say clapping her hands. Hannah is in heaven on Tuesday - the whole day to have dad to herself.
This year the conference happened to be on Tuesday. Decision time! Ministry or McDonald's? Today, I chose to spend the day with Hannah. There will be other conferences - she is only five once. These are the days to be cherished - to make memories.
Had a decision today. Do you have a decision today?

Monday, April 18, 2005


I love movies! Last night I went to a late show to see an independent film "Millions". It is the story of two brothers who find a bag full of money - or should I say, the money finds them. What the two brothers want to do with the money - one wants to spend it; the other wants to give it to the poor. Full of religious overtones, the movie helps you to ponder - what would you do; how would the money change you?

For a Salt Lake man last week, this question was not for the movies. He discovered $10,000 hidden in a vent in his house that he had just recently bought. He was having cable installed when they found the box of cash. He tracked down the previous owners of the house and gave them their money! (Think of all the rationale he could come up with to keep the money) Come to learn it belonged to an 85ish year old widow whose husband had hidden the money years ago. When asked why he returned the money, the japanese man responded, "So my daughter would be proud of me." Indeed.

Aren't you are richer for having read this blog?

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

the last 24 hours

Sometimes it amazing how much life can happen in just 24 hours. In just a few hours of each other I got the news that I did not have MS or Lupus - a time of thanking God and rejoicing - while a member of our church received a call from her doctor that she did have MS. Another call - a couple in our church is having trouble in their marriage. A man who has been a part of our Thursday morning prayer group informs us that he has decided to be a part of our church plant and help them plant more churches. I will miss him! My secretary is trying to schedule a time for surgery.
What is God up to? After being a minister for 23 years, I confess that God is still a mystery to me. Why does he heal one person and not another? Why does he send people from one city to another? A close friend, who you think is an important part of your church, is led to be a part of your daughter church - 18 months after it starts?
God is a mystery to me. His ways are higher than my ways. His thoughts are higher than my thoughts.
I love this quote my Lucado - "When you can't trace God's hand; trust His heart."
I'm trying.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

A Few of My Favorite Things

In all due respect to Julie Andrews, these are a few of my favorite things:
cold fried chicken for breakfast
day old buttered popcorn
wearing old shoes
smell of a fresh mowed lawn
watching "Lost"
old blue jeans
any Chris Tomlin CD
a cloudy, rainy day
10 inches of snow on my driveway
spring time in the Wasatch Mountians
my "ome banjo" baseball hat
any Alison Krauss CD
a hot one at Krispy Kreme

Monday, April 11, 2005

One shot can make a difference

I'm not a huge golf fan, but I usually tune in to watch the Master's. I was glued to the set yesterday watching Tiger prowl the historic course. I almost came off my chair when the shot on the 16th green paused at the cup - as if to take a bow - then rolled in! Man! Did you see the reaction of the two men? Now, that was exciting!
It also illustrated to me the difference one shot can make! Tiger credits that shot for securing a green jacket to add to his wardrobe.
Remember that today! One word of encouragment. One thank you. One prayer. One phone call. One note. Each of these can make all the difference in someone adding a white robe to their eternal wardrobe - serving "the" Master!
Four Christ, Randy

Friday, April 08, 2005

Be careful who you worship

Watching the news this past week as been unbelievable - seeing people by the hundreds of thousands line up for over 24 hours just to walk by the body of Pope John Paul II. Hearing of pilgrims, from all walks of life, from all over the globe, heading for the Vatican to see a corpse - is amazing.
Watching the people bow down to him - hearing them call him "holy father" - made me feel empty, almost like seeing a god be worshiped and praised.
The scene in Acts 14 came to mind. In Lystra a crippled man is healed. The crowd wanted to worship Paul and Barnabas. Their response? "Men, why are you doing this? We too are only men, human like you. We are bringing the good news, telling you to turn from these worthless things to the living God . . ."
I live in a place that worships men as well. Statues, tributes and paintings of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young are everywhere. These men are worshiped - defied to the point that if you do not believe that Smith was a true prophet, you are not considered saved - regardless of how you feel about Jesus!
I know Pope John Paul was a good man - who did a lot of good. (See Mike Cope's blog for a great discussion on this point!) But - he did nothing that deserves being worshiped! No man does!
Let's be careful to confine our worship to the true and living God!

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Finishing Season!

Remember the feeling of finishing a term paper? Recall the high of taking the last class for that college degree? Better yet, men, you probably are still feeling the pure euphoria of getting that "honeydo" project done? (Which reminds me . . . )

I love the feeling I get when I finish something. In the past few days, I've finished journaling in Acts (which took about a year!), finished reading two books - the Fred Factor & Because of Winn-Dixie (my 14 year old daugther and I saw the movie and we wanted to read the book together) - have one more sermon in my "Sailing the Leadership" series (a series of sermons on selecting "elders") - and it will be finished! Man, I love that feeling!

Finished anything lately?

Jesus summed it all up with these few words - "It is finished."

Reminds me of the power of Paul's words, I have run the race - I have finished the course. Its not enough to run the race - we need to finish and finish strong! When we finish our race - we will hear the words, well done! Man, we'll love that feeling!

How many do you know that started the Christian race, but did not finished?

Lets be "finishers"! Think of discipleship as the ultimate "finishing school".

Time to finish this blog.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Is Jesus still a person or a product?

I love this quote from "Blue Like Jazz" by Donald Miller:

"Here are some things I didn't like about the churches I went to. First: I felt like people were trying to sell me Jesus. I was a salesman for a while, and we were taught that you are supposed to point out all the benefits of a product when you are selling it This is how I feel about some of the preachers I heard speak. They were always pointing out the benefits of Christian faith. That rubbed me the wrong way. It's not there aren't benefits, there are, but did they have to talk about spirituality like its a vacum cleaner. I never felt like Jesus as a product. I wanted him to be a person.
Not only that, but they were always pointing out how great the specific church was. I felt like I got bombarded with commercials all week and then went to church and got even more."

I think we all tend to do those things - make Jesus sound like a product rather than a person. We tend to try and "sell" our churches to the guests so they will come back and get excited about what were doing - rather than being drawn to the cross.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Random Thoughts

Final Four is finally here! I would love to see Illinois take it! Partly because the Illinios coach takes the Kansas job when Roy Williams left there to go to North Carolina. Kinda a circle of life sort of justice. But Carolina is going to be tought to beat.

Found a great sale on tennis shoes yesterday. It was buy one pair; get the other half off. Here's my question: if a husband does that - is it spending money or saving money?

Don't forget to "spring forward" on Saturday night. Yes, we all lose an hour of sleep. Us preachers always lose sleep on Saturday night, so welcome to our world!

If you don't have a Chris Tomlin CD - run, to not walk to your nearest Christian book store and get any of his three CD's - go home and enjoy! My favorite is "Come Home Running".

What is your favorite Christian artist?