Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Doing a Wedding Today

I'm performing a wedding today. They are not members of our church - or any church for that matter. In fact, they don't know Jesus at all. They have been living together for about a year. People always ask me how I can be involved in weddings like this - aren't they living in "sin"?
I've met with them for the last four weeks. We've talked about a lot of things. I've tried to meet them at the "well" - meeting them where they're at, discussing marriage and life from God's perspective. We've become good friends.
At our last session they thanked me for not judging them - for accepting them. The groom simply said, "Thank you. We really feel that we were led to meet you and for you to do our wedding. We want to get with you after the wedding and talk some more." Evidently, they had asked others to do the ceremony - but there were too many "strings" and "judgements" .
Tonight I'll perform their ceremony. No doubt many there will get drunk. (But wasn't Jesus himself at such a wedding?) I have no doubt that if Jesus were here, He would be there too.
People need our love - not our judgement. People need our presence - not our prejudice. I guess the bottom line for me is that I can't influence those that I am not with. After all, it is not the well who need the doctor . . . . .

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