Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Memorizing Scripture

When I was in college I did a lot of scripture memorization. I remember a final for Jerry Jones was 50 of 100 verses he had us memorize. Since then, I haven't done much of this discipline.

However, the Bible tells us to "have the word of Christ dwell in us richly". I have just begun to spend some time everyday memorize scripture. I have begun to use scripture as prayer. (Psalms are great for prayer!)

My next goal is to memorize all the prayers of Paul. Right now, I'm working on a huge goal that will take several more months to finish. (tell you when I'm done. Several other ministers know of my challenge - I am being accountable to them).

Just do a verse or two a day. Take just 10 minutes to memorize it. Simply put the verse on a notecard and take it with you. Review it on your break. Take a look at it during lunch. When you go to bed.

You'll be amazed at the difference in your attitude. It will affect what you think about. You can join the Psalmist when he says, "I am consumed with longing for your laws at all times."''

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sunday Night Reflections

The highlight today was the baptism of single mother who has been coming ever since the new building was opened last September. This was a great reminder to us of why we're here.

One of our young men read scripture for the first time. Everyone gave him a rousing round of applause. I hope he remembers that moment for the rest of his life.

We had a family come for the first time today because they were told they would be more comfortable at Southside. How sad. Wasn't Jesus comfortable with the outcast? The ones different from the norm?

Preached on giving today. Not everyone's favorite subject. Jesus did talk it about a lot more than we do! We should talk about it more often.

Just another normal Sunday - someone gets reborn; a young man makes a memory; a new family comes; a sermon on giving.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Doubled Small Groups in One Sunday!

We have targeted a few areas that we want those who call Southside home to grow in: Worship, Small Groups and Using their spiritual gifts in one ministry.

This Sunday we had our new small groups launch. I say new because we've tweaked how we do our groups. We now have lessons on DVD. All you need to be a new small group leader is a DVD player. All the "leader" does is press play until the person says "pause and discuss this". (We are in the process of making our own DVD's, but until we do we are using ones by Zondervan).

The response has been incredible! We have doubled the number of groups in one day! Amazing! We have more groups that are ready to birth off when the groups grow to a size that is now longer fits the critera that we've set for our groups. (We had one group that was having between 40-50!)

We are also reducing the size of the groups - putting small back into the equation! 6-12 is the ideal. 20 is the max number that we would like to see in any one group. When it reaches that point - it's time to begin a new group!

Now, we have all kinds of small groups. We have a group of parents that meet McDonald's for lunch. The kids play while the adults visit. (this has been great for new members!) Prayer groups. Study groups. Fellowship groups. Praise team practice is considered a small group. We have women's groups, men's groups, young adults, empty nesters, etc.

We have a good percentage of our members engaged in a small group. Our new members have joined in! Even some second time guests are being drawn into a group!

This is huge for us! We've struggled for years in our small group ministry. Finally, we are seeing excitment for our small groups. Praise God!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008


Seems like good books are like good movies - they all come out at once. Why is that?

Here are great books that I'm currently reading:

"It" by Greg Groeschel. Groeschel's book "Confessions of a Pastor" is on my all time best reading list. This book may join that list.

"Looking For God: An Unexpected Journey through tattoos, tofu & pronouns" by Nancy Ortberg. Nancy is a great story teller. One of my favorite chapters was on pronouns. (Nancy is the wife of John Ortberg, who wrote another favorite of mine "If You Want To Walk On Water You've Got To Get Out of the Boat").

"Axiom" by Bill Hybels. Short, well-written leadership axioms by one of my favorite leaders! I try to limit myself to one a chapter a day, but like Lays Potato Chips, sometimes you can eat just one - you go for more!

"Countdown To Sunday: A Daily Guide For Those Who Dare To Preach" by Chris Erdman. A fresh look at sermon prep from a healthy perspective. Wish I had read these insights when I was first started preaching.

I would also highly recommend the movie "Fireproof". Wow. Made by the same church which produced "Facing The Giants", this movie is a great statement about marriage. If you know a first responder, take them as your guest.