Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Redefining Small Groups

Here at the Southside Church we've redefined what we mean by the term "small group". What we were calling small groups were the groups that got together for purpose of Bible study/fellowship.

During the last year we have had to revise our definition of what a small group is and does.
For example, on Sunday evening we have a group of women who get together to work on their scrapbooks. Some bring a friend. Is that a small group? Under our new understanding, yes!
Another example would be our Tuesday playgroup. On Tuesday, parents bring their preschoolers to McDonald's (yes, we've seen "Super Size Me". We believe the Holy Spirit will protect us!) for a time to be together. We've had some parents and their children who were at McD's to join us! The parents sit around for a few hours sharing their lives. Is that a small group? Yes!

Now, we add in our prayer groups, work groups, etc. and include them in our small group ministry! We are always looking for a "new" kind of small group to emerge! This new definition has given new life to our small groups. It has opened door of opportunity for seekers to have a non-threatening way to interact with believers. We still have the "traditional" Bible study/fellowship groups - and they are needed! Our broader deifintion of what a small group is has brought new life and vision to our small group ministry.

I would encourage you to read "Fly Fishing, Dog Training and Outreach in the 21 Century" by Ted Haggard. His church has over 800 small groups of all shapes and sizes!

How would this definition of small groups impact your congregation? What possible small group interest would come out of your context? I would love to hear some of your ideas! We're just scratching the surface here - we have a long way to go!

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