Monday, September 10, 2007

A Moving Day

Yesterday was our last worship assembly in our old building. We had a great time of worship with Valley Christian Church. Valley is the church that purchased our building. Their minister, Kent Turpin, was brought to the Lord through the Southside Church twenty years ago. Now, that's a God thing!

Lew Hancock, the first "part-time" minister came and shared some memories with us. Kent spoke of Valley's vision for the future. A very moving assembly! It is amazing our attached we get to places and buildings! Lots of memories in that place!

As soon as the closing song was over, we began loading a semi-truck with all our belongings. The move went very smoothly as we had over 100 that pitched in to help! I love it when a community acts like a community!

Carpet goes in today at the new building! Interior doors are being hung. The landscaping is going in as well. Saturday we will plant over 50 trees - including about 25 churches who have bought a tree and are coming Saturday to plant them! Now, THAT's a God thing! I call it our "unity forest". We hope to get some good media coverage, including KLOVE.

1 comment:

Dave said...

That is such great news!