Sunday, January 13, 2008

A busy weekend

Took the fam to see "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything" (the new Veggie Tales movie). The kids loved it! As always with any Veggie Tales movie, it had a great moral.

My daugther's high school band had the honor of playing with the Dallas Brass in a concert on the campus of Univeristy of Utah Friday night. It was an amazing concert! A guy did the most incredible Tuba solo that I've ever heard. Yeah, the Tuba! If you can make the Tuba cool, you've pulled off a miracle.

The Amazing Race is almost over! Can't wait till the finale next week. We're pulling for TK and Rachel.

During the holidays my daugthers had me watch all three seasons of "The Office". I just started season six of "24". So good so far. Question: during the writers strike are there any other shows I can watch on DVD? I've heard that Jericho, and Journeyman are good shows. Any other recommends?

I'm looking forward to see some new "LOST" eposides. The question is - how many will we seet? Just wish that "24" would make it for a new season. Doesn't look good.

Started a two part series today "Confessions of a Minister". Got the idea from the book by Greg Groeschel "Confessions of a Pastor". It was an overwhelming response. It's amazing what happens when we really talk about the things that matter.

My Cowboys are out of the playoffs. The Colts are gone. Guess I'll become a Packers fan. Who are root against Brett Farve?

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