Thursday, January 03, 2008

Christian Fiction

I love to read. In the last few years there have been some really good fictional books written that have a Christian bent to them. Like any other genre, some are good; some are bad!

As I promised on December 11 (my last post!?) Here is a list of some of my favorite Christian Fiction books:

This Present Darkness by Frank Peretti
Piercing The Darkness by F. Peretti
The Last Sin Eater by Francine Rivers
Redeeming Love by F. Rivers
And The Shofar Blew by Rivers
You Are Special by Max Lucado
Hinds Feet on High Places by Hannah Hunnard
Love Comes Softly Series (Rivers)

Have heard that Karen Kingsbury is a good writer. Anyone have a book of hers to recommend?

I love a good political thriller - like Grisham, Baldacci. Question: is there a "Christian" writer that writes a compelling thriller?

I didn't care for the Left Behind Series. I read the first five then lost interest.

Seems that most Christian fiction is meant for women. Why is that?

What is your favorite Christian fiction book?


Elise @A Path Made Straight said...

Hey Randy! :)

My favorite authors of all time are Brock and Bodie Thoene- they've written The Zion Covenant, Zion Chronicles, Zion Legacy, and I'm still reading the A.D. Chronicles, (#7 due this month!) which I believe are the best of the best. They're historical fiction.

Jan Karon's Mitford series is a close second for me; I re-read those every. single. year.

I don't really care much for Kingsbury- once I dove into Thoene for fiction, and the writings of Prentiss and Elliot, all else seemed too fluffy!

Btw, the Love Comes Softly series is by Janette Oke, another favorite of mine growing up. I wish the movies had followed the books more closely- so disappointing!

Terri Blackstock writes some Christian thrillers, and I've heard they're good, but don't know from personal experience.

Kev says there are *some* Christian fictions geared towards men, but he can't remember the authors. Ask him to tell you when he remembers!

Oh- Lisa Samson wrote a book called "The Church Ladies", which was achingly beautiful, and brought many tears at the end. It was a difficult book as far as content, but a pleasant read anyway. (Tell Kathy!)

Okay, I'm sorry this was a novel in itself- you can add it to your list! ( But only if it's a favorite. ) ;)

See you tomorrow!

Elise @A Path Made Straight said...

Okay, I'm totally hijacking your site today.

How could I forget the Heavenly Daze series? Written by Lori Copeland and Angela Hunt, these are so good; wonderfully Mitford-ish, but in their own sweet way. Philip Gulley is another writer in that genre, with Home to Harmony and others- also pleasant reads.

It would appear that my former comment alludes to some *fluffiness* in the Christian fiction arena, but here I am recommending others. I don't know what it is that makes some books fluffy or un-fluffy, but I know before I've read a full five pages. :)

All right, I'm done. Now I'm wishing I had some of these books to read again right now- I'm off to the library website to place some holds.