Monday, January 07, 2008

Left Out Some Great Books!

To Elise: You can hijack this blog any time!! I can't believe that I left out the Home to Harmony series of books by Philip Gurley. Love every book! Great story telling. A lot like the Mitford series, which I love, too! Must be gettin' old. "The Postcard" is a wonderful book as well. (I like book about Amish people and their culture.)

My wife's favorite is "The Blue Bottle Club". She doesn't do a lot of reading, but she loves that one! Everyone she has recommended it to has brought back a favorable response.

I've been listening to the book of Ezekiel from the "Bible Experience". Pretty cool. The Bible Experience was recorded by African American actors, which bothers me a little bit -but I've really enjoyed what little I've heard so far. I put it on my iPod which makes the Bible easier to listen to while I work or walk. You can get each book by itslef off iTunes without buying the whole Bible. Each book is $3.95. Check it out!

Hope your new year is off to a good start.


Unknown said...

Why does it bother you that it was recorded by African American actors?

Randy said...

Cody, Because it was only African American actors. Just seem exclusive to me. BTW - white actors have now recorded the Bible as well. Why couldn't they have done one together - and included other races as well? Just seemed a little silly to me to exclude other races. Maybe it wasn't. I do enjoy it - was just interjecting a personal opinion.

Hooper said...

Why would any self-respecting man read a book by a guy named Gurley?