Wednesday, February 20, 2008

10 Church Leaders I Would Love to Have Lunch With

Now, here are ten church leaders I would love to have lunch with.

10. Dee Duke. Dee Duke preaches for a church in a small town of 1,000 in the northwest, with an attendance of over 1,800! Prayer, he says, is the key! I would love to learn about prayer from this great prayer warrior! We would just skip lunch and pray!

9. Beth Moore. Love her passion. Love her story. She has touched the hearts of women everywhere. I would love the opportunity to meet the person behind the persona.

8. Rick Warren. Like him or hate him, the man has made a huge impact on the world!

7. John Maxwell. The father of the Christian leadership movement. Who better than to talk about Christian leadership with than John Maxwell?

6. Erwin McManus. The Mosiac Church in LA. Love his vision of doing church in a unique way. The Unstoppable Force is one of my favorite books on church. A real visionary.

5. Landon Saunders, Heartbeat radio ministry. Those not familiar with Landon, he has always been a prophetic voice among us who are in the “churches of Christ”. He is one of the deepest, wisest men I know.

4. Greg Groeschel. Livechurch tv. What an inivator! Love his use of media in worship. Love his book “Confessions of a Pastor”. What a lunch it would be discussing the proper use of media, plus getting tips!

3. Max Lucado. Love his storytelling. Would love to ask him how he came to his current views on baptism, salvation, etc.

2. Andy Stanley. Love his vision; his leadership. His book “Visioneering” is one of my all time favorite books. Love his book on preaching. This would be long lunch!

1. Bill Hybels. Love everything thing he says about leadership and vision.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Heck, I would love to go to lunch with you! we should sometime! In His love, Chris Cassity.