Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Got the Gout!

Went to the doctor today and he told me what I already suspected - I have another case of gout in my right foot. Very painful! This is my fourth time to have this wonderful stuff - so now I will be put on gout medicine. Ah, man. I guess I'm gettin' old. Bummer.

I'm enjoying reading Eragon so far. Don't usually read fantasy novels - so this gets me out of my reading rut.

I'm having a hard time deciding what is my favorite T.V. show right now - LOST is in high gear; Prison Break is cranking back up; like American Idol; enjoying Amazing Race (although not the best season) - I would love to watch 24 - but just haven't had time to start watching. Your favorite show? Oh, sad to see 7th Heaven wind down - but it was time.


Matt Warren said...

my wife and I try to never miss an episode of Lost. And if we do, I just download it off of iTunes and we watch it later

Susan said...

I'm so sorry about your poor foot... I've heard that gout is miserable. I'll be sending good thoughts. I loved Eragon... what an amazing accomplishment for a young person. Take care.

KPrince said...

Poor Randy!! You need to take care of yourself since we are not there to cheer you up!!! We miss you guys!! Wish you were here and I know you do too!! haha!!

Keith, Kara and Kenna Prince