Saturday, February 07, 2009

back home

I'm back home after spending nine days in Dallas with my mother. I went for her fourth chemo treatment. We went to the hospital for the treatment. She couldn't have it; her blood wasn't clotting good enough. Instead of flying home, I still spent the time with her. I figured God was giving me soon good time just to be with her. We watched a lot of Hallmark movies (she tapes all the movies on the Hallmark Channel. She is wearing her DVR out!) We shopped. We ate some great Tex-Mex, enjoyed good ole Texas BBQ, - just had a great time!

Just read in the ne Christian Chronicle that only two states report the church (of Christ) growing - Utah and Rhode Island. While that is sobering news, I am encouraged that the church in Utah is growing! And it is! (The growth indicator was an increase of at least 5%).

It's good to be home! Looking forward to sleeping in my own bed.

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