Friday, March 08, 2013


In Our Wilderness”

In our “Journey” sermon series we’ve spent the last few weeks wandering with the Israelites as they journey to their promised land.

As I have observed their wandering – it caused me to wonder (and, yes, my mind did wander a few times!) about us.

In their wandering they often grumbled against Moses (and against God).   Moses was taking too long on the mountain.  They didn’t understand decisions Moses made, and so they complained.  They wanted to go back to Egypt.  You gotta wonder about them saying that!

The manna they were eating was getting old.  Amazing!  They were grumbling with their mouth full.  Which makes you wonder – wow –  how does God feels about that???

And so, as we wander through our lives, I wonder – do we grumble against God with our mouths full?  Do we complain against the leaders God has appointed over us – while our spiritual cup overflows?? Do want to go back to our "Egypts"?

 And, yes, I wonder – how does God feel about that?

And so, as I wander, I wonder.  Do you?

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