Monday, July 18, 2005

An Easier Question

Now, for an easier question - the worst remake of all time? Maybe here you could very easily come up with a top ten list with no trouble at all. (I know these aren't deep wells from which to drink; but it is summer - time to kick back and relax!). After your responses, I'll give my list


Courtney & Co. said...

worst remake. . .
My dad's 2nd marriage, his 2nd wife(I am very convinced) was SATAN!

On another note. . .I know the identity of the Half-Blood-Prince. . .I know the death that Harry must deal with and I look forward to the 7th (and perhaps final) installment in the life of my favorite wizard!

Randy said...

Well, I don't know those things . . . I stand in line till one am - and my daughter - who stayed home to sleep - grabs the book and begins reading! She only has 98 pages to go. SOOOOO, I start tonight! VBS starts tonight, too! Wish you were here!

Dave said...

Worst? I am going to go ahead and make a stab in the dark and say the dukes of hazzard, although Get Carter and Lost in Space were gag fests.

Half-blood prince? Yeah, I never got into any of that.

Good luck with your VBS this year? What is the theme? I will always be sad I missed out on the pirates theme! I tried to fly that here, to very lukewarm responses...oh well!

Randy said...

The theme this year "Jesus is the Way" -- the drama is "The Wizard of Odds" helping Dorathy (spelling?) to find her way. Shane Helm is the scarecrow. Too funny! Sing with me . . we're off to see the kingdom, the wonderful kingdom of God . . .

Courtney & Co. said...

ahhh man. . .I would have made an awesome wicked witch! I wish I was there too.