Sunday, July 31, 2005

Went to K2 Today

This was a fifth Sunday, which meant that our service centers around the Lord's Supper. We always say "as we gather around the table" - well, we actually do - we sit in the round. No preaching - sometimes faith stories; a lot of old fashioned scripture reading; taking a longer period of time to celebrate the Supper. I love 5th Sundays! It gives me an opportunity to visit local churches.
I fellowship with about 20 "pastors" every month in various meetings during each month; so, I pick one of their churches and surprise them.
Today, I went to a church plant called "K2 The Church". They've been meeting for ten months, and average about 600! They really are geared to the non-churched Gen Xers. They meet in a old warehouse, where they share the building with another church plant that meets there on Saturday night (The Salt City Rock Church, led by my good friend Bill Young). Imagine - churches sharing a building! Love that team work!
Saw some things that we can learn from and do better on (some of the reason I visit these growing churches!) - but also came away for an appreciation of Southside in many ways.
I would encourage you to go and visit another church every now and then. 1) It keeps you fresh with how a visitor feels; 2) You learn something you can do better; 3) You encourage a fellow minister; 4) You grow unity in the body of Christ; 5) You will always learn something about yourself!
When you go and visit them; they will come and visit you! Bridges are always a good thing to build.

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