Saturday, July 15, 2006

A quote from Leonard Sweet's book "Out of the Question and Into the Mystery" I'd like to share with you:

"We know how to save the world. We just realize that we know what we know. The way to save the world is not through more rules to live by, but through right relationships to live for.
To save the world we need something more biblical than higher standards. We need higher relationships. We need less to be "true to our principles" and much more to be true to our relationships. To save the world we don't need the courage of our convictions. We need the courage of our relationships . . . especially the courage of a right relationship with the Creator, the creation, and our fellow creatures. Our problem with reaching the world is that we've made rules more important than relationship.
Western Christianity is largely belief based and church focused. The Jesus trimtab, in contrast, is relationship based and world focused. It is less invested in maintaining and growing an institution and more invested in Jesus' passion for saving the world.
We have yanked ourselves from the soil of relationship with God so we can do the work of tidying things up. We are now sanitized and correct, factual and precise, but tragically bereft of relationship. We are disconnected from our source so that we have become sterile. We may be doctrinally correct, but we have become spiritual cadavers."
Challenging words to be sure. Let us be about loving God and loving our neighbors as ourselves.

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