Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Things I Remember

Happy St. Partick's Day! A good day to "go green"!

Things I remember:

When "going out to eat" on Sunday meant going to someone's house to have dinner (lunch).

When we had our church clothes, our play clothes, our school clothes and our work clothes. When we "ate out" you brought your play clothes in a paper sack to change in after church.

Flying was a bid deal. You would dress up when you flew.

When you patched your jeans instead of throwing them away.

You only had tree stations on your TV and you were glad to get them.

Black and white TV. (Going to home that had color tv and we couldn't wait to see the NBC peacock in color!) I couldn't believe that Little Joe's jacket was green.

Having to polish my shoes, fill out my Gospel Advocate quarterly and taking a bath before being able to watch TV on Saturday night. (My parents checked my answers in the quarterly to make sure they were correct).

When Mighty Mouse, Underdog, Yogi Bear, Deputy Dog, Jettson's, made for a great Saturday morning.

You have any memories that stick out when you were a kid?

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