Tuesday, March 10, 2009

More free ideas

Here are a few more ideas that won't cost you a dime, just time! The good thing about these hard economic times is being creative on how we can "tithe" to the Kindgom.

You can volunteer to clean the church building! You will be amazed at the trash you find! You will develop an appreciation for those who clean the building every week.

Clean the toys in the nursery. You may be amazed how dirty they are. Guests like to see clean toys for their children.

Teach a class on Sunday morning (or sign up to be a co-teacher). Be the teacher that is there fifteen minutes early. Greet all the children as they come in the class. You will make a huge difference. First time guests love it when someone is in the classroom to greet them.

Help the secretary fold the bulletin. She always could use a helping hand.

Come down and mow the church's lawn. Prun the flowers. Prun the trees.

Clean the baptistry. I promise you it could use a cleaning.

Visit someone in the hospital. A no brainer. The visit will mean more because you are not "paid" to do so! Try it and make it a habit.

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