Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sunday Night Reflections

We had a great day today at Southside. We celebrated Megan Condor's baptism. Despite a snow storm, we had a packed house to worship God. Marcellus Stanley, a Southside favorite, was here to be our guest worship leader. He has a true gift of leading God's people in celebration.

Instead of having a sermon, we asked two of our new believers shared their faith story. Wow! Both shared their hearts in an amazing way. We are incorporating testimonies as a part of our worship assemblies. We all have a story to share!

Tonight we had a what we call "a small group renunion". When a month has five Sundays we gather on that evening to sing, pray and share a meal together. I was very surprised with how many came! The spirit of worship and fellowship was fantastic.

Today was a good day. I hope your family of faith had a good day as well.

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