Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Its Tuesday!

Tuesday may be an ordinary day at your house but not at our house! My daughter calls them "Terriffic Tuesday!" This is the day that we go to the Playgroup small group at McDonald's, then we're off to story time at the public library. After story time, we check out a few books and a few videos. After a little nap, we'll read a book and watch "Hello Kitty" or whatever is the the pick of the week.

I used to get a lot of reading done on my day off. Or, I would go see a matinee movie (about half the price of an evening movie!) and spend some time drawing. Not any more - its Hannah's day!

The books will be there to read in a few years. The movies will be out on DVD and I can see it at home with cheaper popcorn to munch on. I can draw later. Hannah will only be five for a few fleeting months. She still loves to spend time with daddy. And daddy loves to spend time with her. These days won't last long, but the memories will.

I hope you have a terriffic Tuesday! I know I will.

1 comment:

elizabeth said...

I was just reading Mike Cope's blog and I saw your name. I don't know if you remember me, but I was in your youth group at University CoC in Abilene! My maiden name was Elizabeth Robinson. I babysat for your little girl a few times. I am now married with three children of my own!