Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Old Christmas Shows

Just celebrated my 24th wedding anniversary with my bride. Nothing fancy. We went to our favorite resturant then went and got some delicious cheesecake to go from the Cheesecake Factory and went home to shared it with our children.

As a part of that evening we took a detour to Home Depot to pick out tile for my wife's Christmas present. She wanted the washroom off the kitchen tiled. And so we are.

My daughter comes home tonight from college! Just having the family back together is present enough for me. My dad used to say that, too. I didn't believe him back then. I do now.

What is about those old Christmas shows that they still work their magic on children? Frosty. Rudolph. A Charlie Brown Christmas. The animation is outdated. The film is grainy. But children still love 'em! Do you have a favorite old Christmas show? And why is it that the new ones don't seem to have that old magic?

I've got my idea for the Christmas sermon - finally. I knew you were worried about it.

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