Monday, May 22, 2006

Honoring Seniors, Da Vinci Code, Prayer Summit

Yesterday was our day to honor our graduating seniors from high school. This year we have 7 who have reached this important milestone in their lives. Shane Helm read from Dr. Suess' book, (a good source of some great theology!) "Oh, The Places You'll Go". Cody, our youth minister, gave a heartful plea for them to love God and to love their neighbors. Our elders then prayed over the seniors for a "shepherd's blessing". Then, on Sunday evening, we had a banquet to honor them. Each parent gave a blessing to their guaduate. A lot of laughter and tears filled the room last night.
Saw the "Da Vinci Code" last night at 10:30 pm! I thought it was very well done - a good movie. Not great, but good. Thought they followed the book fairly well. It was cool to see all the places mentioned in the book. I was disappointed with Tom Hank's performance. Thought he was sleeping walking through the whole movie. I give it one thumb up! I would encourage anyone to go see it so you can join in the conversation at work or school. Buy a copy of the book and just carry it around. You'll get in some great conversations about Jesus! People will ask YOU what you think! What a great way to witness!!
This coming Sunday I'm doing my "Da Vinci" sermon entitled, "Is Da Vinci Da Vine?" The movie does raise a lot of questions concerning Jesus and the formulation of the Bible. Sunday we will answer a lot of those questions!
Oh, by the way, the prayer summit I was so looking forward to? Can't go. One of our young men, raised here at Southside, is getting married on Wednesday night. Since joining the Marines a few months ago, he hasn't had the opportunity to be involved in any pre-martial counseling. We are doing that Monday and Tuesday mornings. I strongly believe in planning the marriage MORE than planning the wedding! Such is the life of a pastor.

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